Lotus Psychiatric Center

Comprehensive Mental Health Care

Reaching out for help can be difficult. You have come to the right place.

Our Practice and Treatment Approach

We are a team of mental health providers dedicated to providing empathetic, diligent, and compassionate care for all of our clients. We offer comprehensive, individualized, outpatient psychiatric care. We treat a variety of mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma, adjustment disorders, and ADHD. We utilize a client-centered approach and tailor treatment plans based on our clients individual needs. Our goal is to help clients grow, heal, and become aware of their inner strengths.

Our Mission

To help guide our clients to mental wellbeing while providing the tools necessary to promote healing and growth. We will meet you where you are at on your journey, and stand alongside you.

Our Services
Psychiatric Evaluation
Medication Management
Individual and Group Therapy

Many individuals benefit from and experience symptom relief with the use of pharmacologic treatment. Our providers will review your symptoms, monitor for side effects, and assess the effectiveness of your current medication regimen, making changes as indicated. These sessions can range from bi-weekly, monthly, to every 3 months.

Therapy is considered first-line treatment for clients struggling with mild to moderate emotional disturbances. We feel therapy is a critical component to mental health care, and offer it in addition to medication management as well as separately. We offer individual and group therapy sessions. In both therapeutic approaches, clients will be met with empathy and compassion as we begin to work through their current and past stressors.

Treatment begins with a comprehensive evaluation designed to assess and diagnose emotional, behavioral, or developmental conditions/disorders. This evaluation explores the many aspects of one's overall health, and the variables impacting one's overall functioning. At the end of the evaluation, a treatment plan will be discussed based on the clients individual mental health needs.

"Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it"

-Brené Brown